How it works

At Tipsterli, we bring you quality predictions, sourced from the world's finest tipsters every day to make winning a habitual experience.

Each tip published appears with:

Days of Operation: This is the number of consecutive days the tip is set to give prediction in the current appearance e.g 3 days of operation
Round: The current round in the days of operation e.g Round 1/3, Round 2/3, Round 3/3.
Price: Depending on the selected currency at the top, the price for the current round is shown accordingly.
Approximate Odd: This is the average odd that can be obtained from popular bookmakers.
Entries: This is the total number of matches predicted.
Prediction Market: This is currently 12X. All predictions are of the 12X market type.
Expiry time: This is the earliest kick-off time of the matches in the prediction. This means after the expiry time, you will be left with the remaining upcoming matches.
So you should decide quickly to benefit the full odd.
Preview: A quick preview to see listed matches
Preview Key: A preview can have a key, a revealed prediction in all of the entries for indicator and transparent purposes.


Genuinity, Performance and Quality Control

Performance and verification check is strict and continuous. Usually, Predictions are set for days of operations(number of consecutive days for each appearance). Every day, any failed forecast/prediction is removed from the tips page. 

This ensures only the best performing predictions are available and also puts tipsters on their toes to put out their best. Predictions are automatically marked against the event result.


Why give us a trial?

  • Our platform is operated by elites with years of experience in the prediction business. 
  • Our long time in business is a key sign, that we are delivering great value and numerous jackpots to ambitious bettors.
  • We leverage the proven intelligence of experts globally and computer-aided automation for accuracy.
  • Available Support 24/7 anytime, anywhere.


How to get started as a bettor.

  1. Go to the Tips page.
  2. Add interesting tips to the cart.
  3. Check out in your preferred currency. We accept Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and other Crypto!
  4. Get access to your order immediately delivered to your email.
  5. Your Order is confidentially delivered immediately to your account.

You can sign up to enjoy more offers and a better experience using our website

How to get started as a Tipster.

  1. Currently, all tipsters are handpicked through a careful selection process based on their accessible contribution through Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Television, Radio etc
  2. If we have not reached you yet, please register and send us an email with the subject: "New Tipster" telling us your work experience as a Tipster
  3. We will review your email, verify and give you Tipster access or decline.
  4. As soon as you are approved, You will have access to the Tipster dashboard and will be able to upload your forecasts.
  5. Only qualified Tips will be listed on the Tips Page.



Tipsters earn from the sales of their forecasts on the website. Tipsters will get details during verification. A Tipster may earn an average of 30$ - 1300$ monthly.

